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Thank You Lime and Violet December 20, 2007

Posted by hollyspinner in Knitting, Podcasts.
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My dayMy month has been made by comment by Miss Lime of the famous (or is it infamous?) podcast Lime & Violet.  I was knitting feverishly (I’m almost done, just one more row) on the Promise Tree sock, listening to episode 49 when Miss V. starts raving about the Hill Country Yarn sock club, how it is a good value and how subscribing is a really good idea, how the first sock yarn club was really cool then she says “and the first pattern was freaking awesome.”  I stood up (in my pajamas because it was still really early) sqeeed and did the happy dance in the living room. The cat gave me the look like “the lady is crazy”.  Apparently no one knows that the pattern from the first sock club installment was designed by me, but I know and now you know and that comment made my day so much better.  It truly was a “They like me.  They really like me” kind of moment.  Now just to get the second, second sock contest sock knit and submitted.  In honor of the sock here is a picture:


Yarn where you least expect it December 13, 2007

Posted by hollyspinner in book review, Podcasts.
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This is not a book review of a knitting book, it’s a mystery.  The path to this book is about as twisted as the plot.  Let me start at the beginning.  I am quite the bibliophile and not only enjoy reading but also enjoy listening to podcasts about books.  So one day I was lisening to Words at Large, CBC’s  (that’s Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for all of you south of the boarder) podcast about books and such.  I was listening to epidsode 80 where Ian Rankin (who, incidently, has the most amazing speaking voice) was being interviewed in front of a live audience.  He spoke with such pathos about Edinburgh, the city where his books are based, and about his main character John Rebus a Detective Inspector who does not play well with others and does not always follow the rules.  So I went to my local library looking for the first book Knots and Crosses but, alas, they did not have in thier collection.  I checked out Let it Bleed which was the earliest in the series that I could find.   It is a good police procedural with a whodunit and a colorful cast of characters.   I was reading along trying to figure out who did do it, when I happened upon chapter 29.  Rebus is looking for something.   He is checking out a building in Leith Walk interviewing various tennants.  One of the tennants is Combined Knitwear.  He goes in the shop and there is “Wool, Lots and lots of wool.”  and Detective Inspector John Rebus, who has to drink rather copiously in order to sleep dreamlessly, has a moment of peace.  It was such a lovely moment.  If you like a good whodunit with lots of twists and turns and don’t mind a bit of blood and swearing I would certainly recommend this mystery